From Fr John Zuhldorf’s blog (which also has interesting comments, e.g. by Teresa):
The Patriarch and the Pope both use the singular “I believe”, rather than “We believe” of the conciliar formula. The conciliar form of the Creed was a group document, that needed a plural form. The liturgical form is a personal declaration made together with everyone else gathered.
This brings the third point: It did not contain the so-called “Filioque” clause. This is why they could recite it together easily. The Filioque clause has been a source of division from the time when the Latin Church and the Greek Church were talking past each, with a lack of comprehension on both sides of the theology of the Holy Spirit and His relationship to the Father and the Son. Now that there is greater comprehension about this relationship and what each side means when they talk about the Holy Spirit, there is far less reason to stress the differences that historically surround the Filioque clause.
Thus, the fourth point is notice how well the Holy Father reads the Greek text.
Fifth, could you local priest, seminary instructor, or bishop do the same, even with the Creed in Latin?