School Days

@Associated Press, September 8, 2008

CHICAGO - Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama held his daughters’ hands when he escorted them to their first day of school.

The girls arrived at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools Monday in a five-SUV motorcade after a short drive from their South Side home.

It was the first day of classes for 10-year-old Malia and 7-year-old Sasha. They’d spent some of their summer on the campaign trail with their dad.

The Lab School was founded on the principles of hands-on learning and exploration by American educator John Dewey in 1896 in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. The school began as a progressive institution that goes from nursery school through 12th grade. It is affiliated with the University of Chicago, and about half the students have a parent who is an employee of the university (and thereby receive a discount off the full tuition, normally as much as $20,000 per year). It is considered one of the top preparatory schools in the United States, reflected in the Wall Street Journal’s findings that the school is amongst the top five feeder institutions in the nation for elite colleges.

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