Genuine Secularism

From Zenit:

The Pope reflected as well on his visit to Paris on Friday and Saturday, during which he addressed political, cultural and religious leaders, as well as a gathering of youth in front of the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

He commented on the address he delivered upon arriving to the French capital to political leaders at the Élysée Palace: “It is interesting that, precisely in this context, the need matured of a healthy distinction between the political and religious spheres, according to Jesus’ famous saying: ‘Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.’

“If the effigy of Caesar was imprinted on Roman coins, then imprinted on the heart of man must be the mark of the Creator, only Lord of our life.

“Genuine secularism, therefore, is not to do without the spiritual dimension, but to acknowledge that precisely the latter is, radically, the guarantor of our liberty and of the autonomy of earthly realities, thanks to the dictates of creative Wisdom that the human conscience is able to receive and fulfill.”

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