Civil Discourse and Fine Dining

Civil Discourse and Fine Dining - We’re folks who get together monthly for dinner and conversation. We are a diverse group united by appreciation of the magazine First Things ( and we will meet for dinner Friday Oct 24th, 7pm at Cafe Madrid in Salem, Virginia (corner of Main and Market). OurValley has an article on Cafe Madrid (to update one point from that article: the restaurant now has a range of Spanish wines). We thoroughly enjoyed our dinner there before Fr Neuhaus’ talk the other night. The restaurant’s website has a menu from which I can recommend the: MIXED TAPAS PLATTER, TOMATO SOUP (with rosemary), ENSALADA MANCHEGO, POLLO Y ALMENDRAS, PAELLA and FRIED MILK AND COOKIES.
Past talks can be viewed at Roanoke College’s Center for Religion and Society. Past speakers include N.T. Wright and Mark Noll. The next CRS event will be: November 11, 2008 - Bradford Wilcox, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Virginia and author of Soft Patriarchs, New Men: How Christianity Shapes Fathers and Husbands, will speak on “Why Marriage Matters: A View from the Social Sciences” at 4:30PM at Antrim Chapel on the Roanoke College Campus.

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