Not Sentimental

As Dylan says

Well my Captain he’s decorated - he’s well schooled and he’s skilled
My Captain, he’s decorated - he’s well schooled and he’s skilled
He’s not sentimental - don’t bother him at all
How many of his pals have been killed

Last night the wind was whisperin’, I was trying to make out what it was
Last night the wind was whisperin’ somethin’ - I was trying to make out what it was
I tell myself something’s comin’
But it never does

I’m gonna spare the defeated - I’m gonna speak to the crowd
I’m gonna spare the defeated, boys, I’m going to speak to the crowd
I am goin’ to teach peace to the conquered
I’m gonna tame the proud

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of the testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death.

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