St Francis Anglican in Blacksburg

St Francis Anglican in Blacksburg now has a full time priest, Fr James Gordon Anderson.


The Rev. J. Gordon Anderson became the full-time priest at St. Francis Anglican Church in Blacksburg in August. St. Francis had not had a full-time vicar in a decade.

The Rev. J. Gordon Anderson holds Milo, who lives in the St. Francis Anglican Church in Blacksburg with Anderson and his wife, Valerie. Anderson says his goal is to see the church grow, minister to the community and promote art and music.

And here’s a sample posting from Fr Anderson’s Anglican blog:

How long does it take to become an Anglican?

A wise priest colleague remarked to me once that it takes ten years for a convert to become an Anglican: that is, to be truly formed by the liturgy and ethos of the classical Book of Common Prayer and the English spiritual tradition. Having been on this journey myself for so long now I definitely agree with that. Anglican formation is a very long and slow process. It involves a complete reorientation of ones general thinking, theological method, and spirituality. It is so slow, in fact, that half the time one doesn’t even know it is happening! Once one is formed in the tradition, though, he could hardly imagine being anything else, and such a strong and solid base has been established that the spiritual life begins to really blossom. By far the critical error people make is thinking they know something of Anglicanism after just a few services, or a few years of membership in an Anglican parish, but after brief time, in frustration, they leave. It takes so much longer than that to really explore and experience our tradition….

And a post from 2007 at his Art blog:

Why hast thou forsaken me?

I just recently completed this large (about 46″ x 48″) oil painting entitled “Why hast thou forsaken me?” I am pleased with it because it brings together a number of stylistic elements that I have been fooling with for the last few years. It combines representation with abstraction; a sense of space with flatness; and smooth glazing with rough brush strokes. The large, dark, form behind the cross signifies that moment when Our Lord uttered “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

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