Anchoress on Advent

The Anchoress has a lovely posting for the second day of Advent:

Advent; Feel the Kiss

Day Two

Exhale; Look Up; Feel the Kiss

Every year has its days of clenched teeth and weeks of held-in breaths. Finally in Advent, we can exhale and look up in wonder rather than in supplication. Like a shepherd tired from the day’s rounding and believing that tomorrow brings nothing new, we look up and - gasp! – the star! The angels! The Incarnation - the Creator come down to us, not to watch or to direct, but to inhabit and to serve. How can we not marvel?
. . .
Read the rest at the link above. And, Anchoress’s day one posting: The Coming of Love

Of all the liturgical seasons of the Church, Advent is the most appropriate for ‘the new evangelization’ in the current milieu in the United States. Just my opinion, of course, or rather my gut feeling. While I certainly have a high regard for the “nothing but Christ, and him crucified” position, that is more for those whom God has already gathered in. On the other hand, preparing for our Lord’s coming and looking to the various aspects of that coming not only relates to evangelizing our culture but also mirrors God’s own incarnational strategy.

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