Where are the protests?

Melanie Phillips writes:

So now Hamas says openly it will murder as many Jewish children as possible around the world:

As fighting intensified on the northern outskirts of Gaza City today, a top Hamas leader broke cover to warn Israel that the Islamists would kill Jewish children anywhere in the world in revenge for their own young who have died in the devastating assault. ‘They have legitimised the murder of their own children by killing the children of Palestine,’ said Mahmoud Zahar, in a televised broadcast recorded at a secret location. ‘They have legitimised the killing of their people all over the world by killing our people.’

These are people who deliberately kill their own children by turning them into human bombs — and now they pretend to outrage because, having placed their children in harm’s way in a theatre of war they have created, some of these children have unfortunately been killed. The fact is that Hamas have always specifically targeted Israeli and Jewish children and young people for murder – in accordance with their charter which declares their intention to kill every Jew in the world. They hit a kindergarten in Ashdod today; the only reason there wasn’t a massacre of tiny Jewish children was that, unlike Hamas who put their children on the rooftops as human shields and bomb fodder, Israel protects its children by keeping them as far as possible out of harm’s way.

So where are the protests at this intended crime against humanity which Hamas has declared it will perpetrate?

(Excerpt) Read more at spectator.co.uk

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