Gregorian Missal

The Novum Flumen schola uses The Parish Book of Chant and is just getting started. However, we look forward to being able to sight-read the propers of the Mass and will then start to also use the:

Gregorian Missal

- Monks of Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes, France

The Gregorian Missal is a stream-lined but comprehensive version of the Church’s official liturgical music book, the Graduale Romanum. The Missal, with English titles and rubrics, also has translations of all the chants, not meant for singing but simply for comprehension. It’s arranged according to the Liturgical Year, and contains the Propers (Introit, Gradual, Alleluia, Offertory, and Communion) for Sunday Masses and feast days as well as Mass Ordinaries (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus/Benedictus, Agnus Dei).

The Gregorian Missal also lists the citations for assigned readings for Masses (cycles A B C) and includes the Orations (prayers) in Latin (with English translation) and the Eucharistic prayers in Latin. A few special chants are provided, e.g. for the sprinkling rite.

The Gregorian Missal comes from the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Solesmes, France. These monks were instrumental in the scholarly renewal of Gregorian chant in the 19th century. Unlike the Liber usualis which sets the Tridentine Mass, the Gregorian Missal follows the post-Vatican II Novus Ordo Mass and calendar.

Contents (717 pages):

  • Forward
  • The Order of Mass (the unchanging Ordinary, including Eucharistic Prayers) [Latin/English text]
  • Prefaces [Latin/English text]
  • Sprinkling of Holy Water [Latin/English text]
  • Chants of the Mass Ordinary
    • Chant Masses I - XVIII
    • Credo I - VI
    • Additional individual Mass parts
  • The Propers of the Liturgical Year:
    Advent, Christmastide, Lent, Eastertide, Ordinary Time
    Each Mass Proper includes:

    1. Introit (Entrance) with music
    2. Opening Prayer
    3. Citations for all readings
    4. Gradual (Psalm) with music
    5. Alleluia or Tract (Gospel Acclamation) with music
    6. Offertory with music
    7. Prayer over the Gifts
    8. Preface citation
    9. Communion with music
    10. Prayer after Communion
  • Feasts of the Lord & Solemnities of Saints
  • Ritual Masses (Dedication of a Church, Funeral Mass)
  • Index
  • Table of Prefaces

All the texts of the chants and prayers in the Gregorian Missal are in Latin and all music is in neums (chant notation). The Gregorian Missal has a handsome dark blue cover and is printed on quality ivory paper; two gold ribbons are attached for bookmarks.

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