On Confirmation

There is a useful general article on Confirmation at Wikipedia.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (and the Compendium, at the same link) gives the authoritative position of the Catholic Church.

The token Anglican volume in my booklist, Jeremy Taylor - Selected Works (in the “Classics of Western Spirituality” series published by Paulist Press, a major component of the work of the Paulist Fathers, a society of missionary priests founded for and by Americans in 1858. Their leader, Fr. Isaac Hecker, sought a way to share the gospel of Jesus and the rich traditions of American Catholicism with the people of his time. He began by preaching missions and speaking in public lecture halls. These methods met with some success but reached only a limited number of people. Fr. Hecker wanted to make contact with those who would never set foot in a church. So he turned to the printed word) has Talyor’s Discourse of Confirmation, which is well worth reading. For that matter, If one comes from a Wesleyan background, Jeremy Talyor’s writings are a useful bridge from orthodox Wesleyan thought into the Catholic tradition. Talyor’s classic 17th century English prose takes some effort (which is well repaid), of course.

The site https://anglicanhistory.org/taylor/ has some of Jeremy Talyor’s works online.

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