Dominican Liturgy

Missa Cantata


By an initiative of the pastor, Fr. Luke Clark, O.P., in response to requests by parishioners, St. Thomas Aquinas University Parish in Charlottesville VA, will host a Dominican Rite Missa Cantata (Sung Mass) on an experimental basis each third Sunday of the month during the rest of the academic year. The dates will be March 15, April 19, and May 17. The Mass will be celebrated at 10:15 a.m. in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel of the parish center at 401 Alderman Road, which is attached to the church.

Music will be provided by a group of parishioners singing from the Dominican Gradual, and the celebrant will be Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P., S.T.M., professor of Religious Studies and History at the University, a member of the Western Dominican Province. Depending on the response, this offering may become a regular offering after the summer recess.

[UPDATE: This was wonderful. Chapel, and overflow area, was packed and the Mass fully exercised both heart and head. The first row pews were used as an altar rail, which worked fairly well, I thought. Great to hear chant fill the lovely little chapel, both ordinaries (thanks to folks from 7:30am gregorian mass), well done propers and esprit de corps all round, so to speak.

My personal opinion is that the only decent acoustics come, as here, when sanctuary is packed to overflowing and there is no artifical amplification.]

[the above from Fr Zuhlsdorf’s blog]

While I’m on this general topic, I’m hoping to be able to get to the 2009 MusicaSacra Colloquium:

as a member of the Novum Flumen schola, here in the New River Valley.

Speaking of the Dominican rite, recently volunteered to host a huge number of Dominican liturgical books:

Dominican Chant Books–Downloadable

Dominican Rite Texts–Downloadable

Studies on the Dominican Rite–Downloadable

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