Solemn High Mass - 21 June 2009, Greensboro

There will be a Special Extraordinary Form Mass in Greensboro at Our Lady of Grace Church 2205 W. Market St., this Sunday, 21 June 2009, at 4pm.

This will be a Solemn High Mass/Missa Cantata with

  • a men’s schola, led by Brian Marble, the choir director at OLG
  • a women’s schola, led by Robin Shea
  • the choir of OLG, singing Mozart’s “Coronation Mass”, K.V. 317, along with an orchestra and organ.

Fr. Ferguson, FSSP, who will be the priest, has prepared a beautiful and thorough program.

The parish website is


The mass was celebrated ad orientem, was well-attended, and the printed program made it easy to follow along. On the musical side, I particularly enjoyed the organ and organist at this parish; while the scholas started out a bit shakey, the pieces further into the Mass were lovely. It was wonderful to join with many folks to reverantly worship our Lord and, as a special Father’s Day present, to have MaryAlice there with me, too.

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