USCatholic has an article about a parish in California, Saint Edward Catholic Church:
A visitor to St. Edward’s 10 a.m. Mass finds an intriguing mix of old and new. Much of the “ordinary” of the Mass-the parts that recur from week to week, including the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei-is chanted in Latin, as are the “propers,” that is, the antiphons that are used for a particular Mass at the entrance, offertory, and Communion processions. The readings and homily and most (but not all) of the congregational responses are in English, as is the Eucharistic Prayer, which Keyes chants from beginning to end. Although Keyes has worked to teach parishioners the basics of chant, the congregation still tends to drop out on some of the more complex pieces.
Donalyn Deeds has been a parishioner at St. Edward’s for more than 30 years and currently serves as the parish’s director of religious education. She considers Keyes a friend as well as a boss and has not hesitated to challenge him on some of his changes. “I think we moved too abruptly,” she says. “This parish had been doing contemporary music for such a long time. It’s what people were used to.”
Deeds concedes, though, that Keyes may have brought a much-needed sense of reverence back into the liturgy. “There is a lack of formality that is pervasive throughout our entire culture. People show up for Mass late and they leave early. They come in T-shirts and jeans. I think Father Jeff may have brought some needed discipline.”
Although some of his parishioners see him as a conservative, Keyes resists the label. “When I preach about immigration, people think I’m a liberal. When I seek to do what the church asks when we celebrate the liturgy, people think I’m a conservative. All I seek to be is Roman Catholic,” he says.
Saint Edward is in Newark, California (5788 Thornton Ave), a suburb of Fremont, east across the Bay from Palo Alto. The parish has at least two masses every day and seven on Sunday, several of which are in Portuguese. Given the multi-lingual congregation (bulletin is published in English, Spanish and Portuguese), Gregorian chant has, perhaps, an additional unifying function there which is representative of its place in the Church’s liturgy as a whole.
Fr Jeffrey Keyes of St Edward also celebreted an english sung mass at the recent CMAA Colloquium (mp3 clips).