Holy Ghost Abbey

Holy Cross Abbey

abbey guest house

“Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ, for He is going to say, ‘I came as a guest, and you received Me’” (Matthew 25:35)

Available by reservation to men and women who wish to spend several days with us in quietness and prayer. There are no conferences, nor is there a rigid schedule to follow, but a monk is available for spiritual direction and confession. Weekday retreats begin on Monday at 3 pm and end on Friday by 9:30 am. Weekend retreats are from Friday at 3 pm through Sunday at 3 pm. Reservations may be made by letter or telephone.

The opportunity for enjoying silence and solitude is a special part of your retreat. Please share this with the monks by helping maintain the quiet of the surroundings and respecting the privacy of the monastic quarters.

guest house reservations
Holy Cross Abbey
901 Cool Spring Lane
Berryville Virginia 22611
540 955 4383
(near Winchester)

Visitors are welcome from 3:15 am to 8 pm for personal prayer and meditation, as well as for the Eucharistic services and the Divine Office sung by the monks.

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1 Response to Holy Ghost Abbey

  1. Brian says:

    Looks like a very nice abbey. I go on yearly retreats to St. Joseph’s Abbey (trappist) in Spencer Mass. I recommend to all - go on a retreat, for prayer and peace.

    Blessed Mother Teresa said “In the silence of the heart, God speaks.”

    God bless…

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