Summit Choirbook

The Summit Choirbook

Edited and compiled by Sr. Maria of the Cross, O.P. and the Dominican Nuns of Summit, New Jersey

First published in 1983, The Summit Choirbook was compiled and edited by our Sr. Maria of the Cross. Distinguished from other hymnals by its quality of text and quality of tune, its selections offer a breadth of classic sacred music, ranging from Gregorian chant to Eastern plainchants (Ukrainian, Russian, Polish), from translations of ancient texts to 20th Century compositions, and include as well ancient and modern poetry and folk carols.

Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ

The Dominican Nuns of Summit, New Jersey are a Roman Catholic cloistered monastic community. Our primary mission is to pray for the salvation of souls, and to support the preaching mission of the Dominican friars. We follow the Rule of Saint Augustine in “oneness of mind and heart” while leading a hidden life of Eucharistic prayer, adoration, thanksgiving, and intercession which proclaims Jesus Christ to the world.

Our chapel doors are open from 6AM-7PM daily. You are welcome to come during those times to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, solemnly exposed in the monstrance.

Holy Mass is at 7:15 Monday-Saturday, 7:30 on Sunday.

Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary
543 Springfield Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901-4498

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