Cathedral of the Madeleine

The Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City has beautiful mosaics and excellent music.

Service Times

Monday through Friday

7:30 AM Lauds
8:00 AM Mass
5:15 PM Mass
6:00 PM Vespers


7:30 AM Lauds
8:00 AM Mass
5:00 PM Vespers
6:00 PM Mass


8:30 AM Mass
10:00 AM Lauds
11:00 AM Mass
3:00 PM Spanish Mass
5:00 Vespers and Benediction
6:00 PM Mass

Here’s a youtube video created by the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper:

another, of a August 3, 2009 mass:

This entry was posted in Cathedral of the Madeleine, Church, Currents, gregorian, Liturgy, Music. Bookmark the permalink.

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