Sloth & Acedia

Here’s link to an article, by John Zmirik, on sloth and acedia (my besetting sins) :


Day in, day out, the same thing over and over again — we seem to feel that burden all at once, and the theological truth that God will never burden us beyond our strength starts to sound like a pious fable. Our favorite Bible verse becomes the line from Job: “Curse God and Die.” (Which makes, by the way, an imposing bumper sticker.)

Accedia afflicts priests and religious, parents, activists in worthy causes like the pro-life movement (those on the other side never seem to burn out quite as quickly — they have “little helpers” with names like Moloch), dedicated teachers, brave firemen, and honest cops. St. Thomas Aquinas warns that Accedia, unacknowledged and unanswered, is a sure road to despair and can lead even to suicide. It rarely urges us to sin, even by omission, but rather allows us to slog through our daily duties, jaundiced by a sickly tint of dismay and even disgust. Pleasures can start to weary us, and the prospect of Heaven seem not so much unattainable as irrelevant.

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