Liturgy of the Hours Hymns

Here is a list of the 227 hymns in the Liturgy of the Hours, with volume. [Music for many of these hymns is linked at Christian Prayer Hymns. Also, here is a list of hymns in the New English Hymnal, whose musical pedigree goes back to Ralph Vaughn Williams.]

i - advent, christmas
ii - lent, easter
iii - ordinary time, weeks 1-17
iv - ordinary time, weeks 18-34

a child is born in bethlehem - i
ad cenam agni providi - ii
adeste fideles - i
all creatures of our god and king - i,ii,iii,iv
alleluia sing to jesus - ii,iii
all glory praise and honor - ii
all hail adored trinity - iii
all praise to you o god this night - i,ii,iii,iv
all you nations - i,ii,iii,iv
all you that seek a comfort sure - iii
alma redemptoris mater - i,ii,iii,iv
almighty ruler god of truth - i,ii,iii,iv
amazing grace - i,ii,iii,iv
a mighty fortress is our god - i,ii,iii,iv
a solis ortus cardine - i
as with gladness men of old - i
at the name of jesus - i,ii,iii,iv
audi benigne conditor - ii
ave maria - i,ii,iii,iv
ave regina caelorum - i,ii,iii,iv
be consoled my people - i,iii
behold a rose of judah - i
behold a virgin bearing him - i
blessed are the poor of heart - i,ii,iii,iv
blest are the pure in heart - i,ii,iii,iv
breathe on me breath of god - i,ii,iii,iv
brightness of the fathers glory - i,ii,iii,iv
candor aeternae deitatis - i
christe qui splendor et dies - i,ii,iii,iv
christe redemptor omnium - i
christ in whose passion once was sown - i,ii,iii,iv
christ is made the sure foundation - i,ii,iii,iv
christ is the worlds light he and none other - i,ii,iii
christ jesus lay in deaths strong hands - ii
christ the lord is risen today - i,ii,iv
christ the lord is risn today - ii
christ victim for the sings of men - ii
come holy ghost creator come - ii
come holy ghost who ever one - i,ii,iii,iv
come thou almighty king - iii
come thou long expected jesus - i
come to me - iii
creator of the earth and skies - ii
creator of the stars of night - i
crown him with many crowns - ii,iv
darkness has faded - i,ii,iii,iv
day is done but love unfailing - i,ii,iii,iv
dies irae - iv
draw near o lord - ii
en acetum fel arundo - ii
eternal father through your word - i,ii,iii,iv
faith of our fathers - i,ii,iii,iv
father lord of earth and heaven - i,ii,iii,iv
father we thank thee who hast planted - i,ii,iii,iv
firmly i believe and truly - i,ii,iii,iv
for all the saints - i,ii,iii,iv
for the fruits of his creation - i,ii,iii,iv
for to those who love god - i,ii,iii,iv
from all that dwell below the skies - i,ii,iii,iv
from heaven high - i
god father praise and glory - i,ii,iii,iv
god whose almighty word - i,ii,iii,iv
god with hidden majesty - iii,iv
go tell it on the mountain - i
grant to us o lord - ii
great saint andrew - i,iv
hail holy queen - i,ii,iii,iv
hail holy queen of heaven - iv
hail mary - i,ii,iii,iv
hail redeemer king divine - ii,iv
hail thee festival day - ii
hail this festival day - ii
hail to the lord who comes - iii
have mercy o lord - ii
hear the herald voice resounding - i
heart of christ - iii
help us o lord to learn - i,ii,iii,iv
holy god we praise your name - i,ii,iii,iv
holy holy holy lord god almighty - i,ii,iii,iv
holy mary now we crown you - i
holy spirit come confirm us - i,ii,iii,iv
holy spirit god of light - ii
iam christe sol iustitiae - ii
i am the bread of life - i,ii,iii,iv
iesu quadragenariae - ii
in ancient times god spoke - i,ii,iii,iv
i saw the new city jerusalem - i,ii,iii,iv
i shall praise the saviors glory - ii,iii
i sing the mighty power of god - i,ii,iii,iv
jesus christ is risn today alleluia - ii
joseph of nazareth you are the man - i,ii
joseph patron saint of workers - ii
joy to you - i,ii,iii,iv
keep in mind - i,ii,iii,iv
let all mortal flesh keep silent - ii
let all on earth their vocies raise - i,ii,iii,iv
let all things now living - i,ii,iii,iv
let the earth rejoice and sing alleluia - ii
let us with joy our voices raise - i,ii,iii,iv
look down to us saint joseph - ii
lord god and maker of all things - i,ii,iii,iv
lord jesus christ abide with us - i,ii,iii,iv
lord jesus christ be present now - i,ii,iii,iv
lord jesus once you spoke to men - i,ii,iii,iv
lord of all being throned afar - i,ii,iii,iv
lord of all hopefulness, lord of all joy - i,ii,iii,iv
lord who at your first eucharist did pray - iii
lord whose love in humble service - i,ii,iii,iv
lord who throughout these 40 days - ii
lord your glory in christ we have seen - ii,iv
lord your word abiding - i,ii,iii,iv
love divine all loves excelling - i,ii,iii,iv
loving mother of the redeemer - i,ii,iii,iv
loving sheperd of thy sheep - i,ii,iii,iv
maranatha come o christ lord - i
mary crowned with living light -
mary immaculate, star of the morning - i
mary the dawn, christ the perfect day - ii,iii,iv
may flights of angels lead you on your way - ii,iii,iv
morning has broken - i,ii,iii,iv
most ancient of all mysteries - i,ii,iii,iv
mother of christ - ii
mother of holy hope - i,ii,iii,iv
my loving savior how have you offended - ii
now at the daylights ending - i,ii,iii,iv
now fades all earthly splendor - i,ii,iii,iv
now from the heavns descending - i,ii,iii,iv
now let us all with one accord - ii
now thank we all our god - i,ii,iii,iv
o christ redeemer of mankind - iii
o christ you are the light and day - i,ii,iii,iv
o come all ye faithful - i
o come o come emannuel - i
o cross of christ immortal tree - iv
o father whose creating hand - i,ii,iii,iv
of god of truth - i,ii,iii,iv
o god of light the dawning day - i,ii,iii,iv
o god our help in ages past - i,ii,iii,iv
o mary of all women - i,ii,iii,iv
on jordans banks the baptists cry - i
on this day the first of days - i,ii,iii,iv
o radiant light o sun divine - i,ii,iii,iv
o raise your eyes on hight and see - iv
o sacred head surrounded - ii
o woship the king all glorious above - i,ii,iii,iv
pange lingua gloriosi - ii,iii
praise him as he mounts the skies - ii
praise my soul the king of heaven - i,ii,iii,iv
praise the lord ye heavens - i,ii,iii,iv
praise to mary heaven's gate - i,ii,iii,iv
praise to the lord - i,iii,iv
precemur omnes cernui - ii
queen of heaven rejoice - ii
regina caeli - ii
rejoice o virgin mary - ii
rise up o men of god - i,ii,iii,iv
rorate coeli - i
salve regina - i,ii,iii,iv
send forth your spirit - ii
shepherd of souls in love come feed us - i,ii,iii,iv
sing of mary pure and lowly - i
sing praise to god who reigns above - i,ii,iii,iv
sing praise to our creator - i,ii,iii,iv
sing with all the sons of glory - i,ii,iv
sion sing - i,ii,iii,iv
songs of praise the angels sang - i
songs of thanksgiving and praise - i
stabat mater - iv
take up your cross the savior said - ii
te lucis ante terminum - i,ii,iii,iv
the churchs one foundation - i,ii,iii,iv
the coming of our god - i
the day of resurrection - ii
the earth is full of the goodness of christ - i
the earth is full of the goodness of god - ii,iii,iv
the eternal gifts of christ the king - i,ii,iii,iv
the glory of these 40 days - ii
the god whom earth and sea and sky - i,ii,iii,iv
the great forerunner of the morn - iii
the head that once was crownd with thorns - ii,iv
the king of glory - i
the king of love my shepherd is - i,ii,iii,iv
the master came to bring good news - i,ii,iii,iv
the night now is ending - i
the setting sun now dies away - i,ii,iii,iv
the spirit of god - ii
the strife is oer - ii
the word of god from heaven came - iii
the word of god proceeding forth - ii
they come gods messengers of love - i,iv
this day god gives me - i,ii,iii,iv
this i ask - i,ii,iii,iv
this is our accepted time - ii
this is the feast day of the lords true witness - i,ii,iii,iv
this world my god - i,ii,iii,iv
tis good lord to be here - iv
to christ the prince of peace - iii
to jesus christ our sovreign king - iv
to one that is so fair and bright - i
unto us a child is born - i
unto us a child is given - i
veni creator spiritus - ii
veni veni emmanuel - i
vexilla regis prodeunt - ii
virgin born we bow before you - i
wake awake the night is dying - i
we plough the fields and scatter - i,ii,iii,iv
we praise you father for your gifts - i,ii,iv
were you there - ii
we turn to you o god - i,ii,iii,iv
we who once were dead - ii
what child is this - i
what fairer light - iii
when from the darkness comes no light - ii
when in his own image - i,ii,iv
when i survey - ii
when jesus comes to be baptized - i
when mary brought her treasure - i
when morning fills the sky - i,ii,iii,iv
who would true valor see - i,ii,iii,iv
with hearts renewed by living faith - i,ii,iii,iv
ye sons and daughters - ii
ye who own the faith of jesus - i,ii,iii,iv
you are the honor - i
you heavens open from above - i
you holy angels bright - i,ii,iii,iv
your hand, o lord has guided - i,ii,iii,iv
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6 Responses to Liturgy of the Hours Hymns

  1. Bob says:

    Where can I find the music - the melody - to these songs? I have often wanted to sing these as I was saying the Hours but I don’t know the melodies.
    Net Hymnal is a good site. I stumbled on this site looking for “The setting sun now dies away” from tonight’s evening prayer.

  2. Thomas says:

    the name of the melody is listed with the lyric. you then look up the tune in standard sources/hymnals. cyberhymnal/net hymnal is a good source. also note that one can substitute another tune in the same meter oftentimes. I don’t know of a source specifically for LotH hymn tunes..most are common enough that many folks grow up knowing enough tunes.

    for example, “The setting sun now dies away” is in long meter (LM), ie 4 lines of eight syllables
    in pattern short, long, short, long, etc. at nethymnal, hymns to this tune include:
    if you don’t know any of those, find some long meter song you know and use that (grumble: nethymnal not nearly as nice as cyber hymnal:
    in this regard. using the latter, i find:

  3. Thomas says:

    the name of the melody is listed with the lyric. you then look up the tune in standard sources/hymnals. cyberhymnal/net hymnal is a good source. also note that one can substitute another tune in the same meter oftentimes. I don’t know of a source specifically for LotH hymn tunes..most are common enough that many folks grow up knowing enough tunes.

    for example, “The setting sun now dies away” is in long meter (LM), ie 4 lines of eight syllables
    in pattern short, long, short, long, etc. at nethymnal, hymns to this tune include:
    if you don’t know any of those, find some long meter song you know and use that (nethymnal not nearly as nice as cyber hymnal:
    in this regard. using the latter, i find:

  4. John O. says:

    Here is a good primer for the tunes and melodies for the Liturgy of the Hours. The hymn listing is from the one volume edition:

  5. Pingback: Common Hymns « Maude's Tavern

  6. Andrew says:

    Can you confirm that this is from the 1975 ICEL publication of the Breviary?

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