Here is a list of all the hymns that appear in each of the four volumes of the unabridged Liturgy of the Hours, forming the closest one can come to a common list of hymns recognized by the whole Catholic Church:
all creatures of our god and king all praise to you o god this night all you nations alma redemptoris mater almighty ruler god of truth amazing grace a mighty fortress is our god at the name of jesus ave maria ave regina caelorum blessed are the poor of heart blest are the pure in heart breathe on me breath of god brightness of the fathers glory christe qui splendor et dies christ in whose passion once was sown christ is made the sure foundation come holy ghost who ever one darkness has faded day is done but love unfailing eternal father through your word faith of our fathers father lord of earth and heaven father we thank thee who hast planted firmly i believe and truly for all the saints for the fruits of his creation for to those who love god from all that dwell below the skies god father praise and glory god whose almighty word hail holy queen hail mary help us o lord to learn holy god we praise your name holy holy holy lord god almighty holy spirit come confirm us i am the bread of life in ancient times god spoke i saw the new city jerusalem i sing the mighty power of god joy to you keep in mind let all on earth their voices raise let all things now living let us with joy our voices raise lord god and maker of all things lord jesus christ abide with us lord jesus christ be present now lord jesus once you spoke to men lord of all being throned afar lord of all hopefulness, lord of all joy lord whose love in humble service lord your word abiding love divine all loves excelling loving mother of the redeemer loving sheperd of thy sheep morning has broken most ancient of all mysteries mother of holy hope now at the daylights ending now fades all earthly splendor now from the heavns descending now thank we all our god o christ you are the light and day o father whose creating hand of god of truth o god of light the dawning day o god our help in ages past o mary of all women on this day the first of days o radiant light o sun divine o woship the king all glorious above praise my soul the king of heaven praise the lord ye heavens praise to mary heaven's gate rise up o men of god salve regina shepherd of souls in love come feed us sing praise to god who reigns above sing praise to our creator sion sing te lucis ante terminum the churchs one foundation the eternal gifts of christ the king the god whom earth and sea and sky the king of love my shepherd is the master came to bring good news the setting sun now dies away this day god gives me this i ask this is the feast day of the lords true witness this world my god we plough the fields and scatter we turn to you o god when morning fills the sky who would true valor see with hearts renewed by living faith ye who own the faith of jesus you holy angels bright your hand o lord has guided