USA Religious Statistics

Statistics from the 2010 Yearbook (National Council of Churches), not including groups which did not update membership statistics:

  • The Catholic Church, 68,115,001 members, up 1.49 percent.
  • Southern Baptist Convention,16,228,438 members, down 0.24 percent.
  • The United Methodist Church, 7,853,987 members, down 0.98 percent.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 5,974,041 members, up 1.71 percent.
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 4,633,887 members, down 1.62 percent.
  • Assemblies of God, 2,899,702 members, up 1.27 percent.
  • Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 2,844,952 members, down 3.28 percent.
  • The Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod (LCMS), 2,337,349 members, down 1.92 percent.
  • The Episcopal Church, 2,057,292 members, down 2.81 percent.
  • American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., 1,331,127 members, down 2.00 percent.
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses, 1,114,009 members, up 2.00 percent.
  • United Church of Christ, 1,111,691 members, down 2.93 percent.
  • Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee), 1,072,169 members, up 1.76 percent.
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    1 Response to USA Religious Statistics

    1. doug rose says:

      please add me to mailing list

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