Hiking the Wasatch

I’m starting to look around the Wasatch mountains of Utah. The Lake Blanche/Sundial Peak area is beautiful but maybe too snowcovered in may/june. Another hiking area that looks promising is Mt Aire off the Elbow Fork trailhead in MillCreek Canyon (pictures at https://www.chem.utah.edu/staff/edwards/misc/20040802_MtAire/index.html). The little book I have (Hiking the Wasatch by John Veranth) has snow melting off there earlier and, contrary to the url opinion, not too difficult: 1.8 mile, 1991ft climb “When I want an outstanding view without too much hiking time or effort, I often choose the panorama from the summit of Mt Aire. The trail follows a pleasant south-facing slope and is especially good in the spring and fall.”

Here are some pictures of Lake Blanche/Sundial Peak:

Lake Blanche and Sundial Peak, Wasatch Mountains, Utah.

View of Mt. Timpanogos, Utah as seen from Silver Glance Lake in American Fork Canyon:

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