Megan and Jeff Skibitsky’s daughter, Cadence Belle Skibitsky, was born 10:25am (PDT), May 15th, 2008 [but this posting gets updated with pictures occasionally] and weighed 6lb 10oz.
Cadence Belle: the beauty of measured movement
Summer is done
More pictures at Megan’s blog (recently updated).
Jeff, Megan & Cadence Belle at their new house in Salt Lake City (April 24th):

Jeff, Megan & Cadence Belle at house in Salt Lake City

Cadence Belle meeting Smokey
On Heber Valley railroad (June 2010):
Christmas 2010:
Megan & Cadence Belle
Jeff & Cadence Belle
June 28, 2011 update:
Cadence Belle is eagerly awaiting her little sister, who hopefully will wait to be born till we get out to Salt Lake 🙂
What a beautiful, precious baby! Congratulations, Megan and Jeff! Cadence’s hair looks reddish next to Megan’s and dark brown next to Jeff’s-no mistaking whose baby she is! (-: We’re thrilled for you both!
Love, Becky (& Glenn)