Cadence Belle Skibitsky

Megan and Jeff Skibitsky’s daughter, Cadence Belle Skibitsky, was born 10:25am (PDT), May 15th, 2008 [but this posting gets updated with pictures occasionally] and weighed 6lb 10oz.

the beauty of measured movement Cadence Belle: the beauty of measured movement

Megan and Cadence Belle Jeff and Cadence Belle

This pool is great!

This pool is great!

Summer is done

More pictures at Megan’s blog (recently updated).

Jeff, Megan & Cadence Belle at their new house in Salt Lake City (April 24th):

Jeff, Megan & Cadence Belle at house in Salt Lake City

Jeff, Megan & Cadence Belle at house in Salt Lake City

Cadence Belle meeting Smokey

Cadence Belle meeting Smokey


Megan, Cadence Belle, and new pet, Allie

On Heber Valley railroad (June 2010):

train ride

On train in valley by Mt Timpanogos

Christmas 2010:

Megan & Cadence Belle

Jeff & Cadence Belle

June 28, 2011 update:
Cadence Belle is eagerly awaiting her little sister, who hopefully will wait to be born till we get out to Salt Lake 🙂

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1 Response to Cadence Belle Skibitsky

  1. Becky Samuelson says:

    What a beautiful, precious baby! Congratulations, Megan and Jeff! Cadence’s hair looks reddish next to Megan’s and dark brown next to Jeff’s-no mistaking whose baby she is! (-: We’re thrilled for you both!
    Love, Becky (& Glenn)

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