Adelyn Vale Skibitsky, the daughter of Megan and Jeff Skibitsky and sister of Cadence Belle Skibitsky, was born at 00:57am on July 6th, 2011
Adelyn was born at home, in Salt Lake City, and is 14 minutes old in the picture above and weighs 7 lb 2 oz. Like her mother before her and like pioneers of former years, Dr Megan Skibitsky had worked the day before and now goes on well deserved maternity leave. MaryAlice and I look forward to getting to know our new granddaughter.
The whole family:
Adelyn, in a bonnet that Cadence Belle also wore three years ago:
MaryAlice and Adelyn:
Amazing! Congratulations to parents, grandparents and big sister Cadence Belle! Thank you for sharing this blessed event.