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Blog: Maude's Tavern Topics:Culture, Religion, Politics
Monthly Archives: August 2012
Another View from the Train
Bob Dylan has been riding the rails for a long time, at least since he got pulled from a trainload of fools caught in a magnetic field and called to prophesy. The cover of the new album, Tempest, is as … Continue reading
On Nihilism
In an article on atheism, rational and otherwise, John C. Wright (who also has written an useful article on the authority of the Church) concludes: Nihilism hence forms the default metaphysical and ontological stance of our age. Anyone of the … Continue reading
Posted in Church, Currents
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Saving Grace
While the ‘justified by faith alone’ crowd brings out the strawman of faith versus works, as Alister McGrath points out in his extensive historical survey of the doctrine of justification, the contention is rather between salvation by grace and justification … Continue reading
Posted in Bob Dylan, Church, Currents
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Sarah Palin’s Summary
On her facebook page, Sarah Palin congratulates Romney for his choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate and then gives an extensive contrast between Candidate Obama’s words and his subsequent actions: Congratulations to Mitt Romney on his choice of … Continue reading
Posted in Currents, Sarah Palin
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