The Sacred Music Colloquium is again at the Cathedral of the Madeleine this year. Public events include:
Masses, etc at the Cathedral of the Madeleine
during the Colloquium
Tuesday, June 18
8:30 am: Morning prayer
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Plenary Lecture, Msgr. Andrew Wadsworth: “Life-long Learning”
5:15 pm: Mass, 11th Sunday of the Year (English; Missal Chants; SEP) [David Hughes, organist]
7:30pm: Organ Recital (Charles Cole); Compline
Wednesday, June 19
8:30 am: Morning prayer
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Plenary Lecture: Archbishop Alexander K. Sample
5:15 pm: Mass (11th Sunday; OF, English, Latin and Weber propers) [Jonathan Ryan, organist]
Thursday, June 20
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Plenary Session: “The Art of Effortless Singing,” Dr. MeeAe Nam
5:15 pm: Mass (EF Polyphonic Solemn Requiem)
Friday, June 21
8:30 am: Morning prayer
1:30pm – 2:30pm: Plenary Lecture: “Gregorian Chant as the splendor formae of the Liturgy,” Dr. Mahrt
5:15 pm: Mass (EF Missa Cantata, St. Aloysius) [David Hughes, organist]Mass VII
7:45pm Vespers (psalmody of Friday) [Ann Labounsky, organist]
Saturday, June 22
8:30 a.m.: Morning prayer
2:00 p.m. – Mass (Solemn OF, Latin, Gloria, Credo;) [Jonathan Ryan, organist]
Sunday, June 23
10:00am Lauds
11:00 a.m.: Mass (OF, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time) [Doug O’Neill, organist]