I’ve read two useful, little books lately which share a certain similarity. Eugene Peterson’s ‘A Long Obedience in the Same Direction’ and NT Wright’s ‘Scripture and the Authority of God’ both contain solid, well-written short essays that provide a good basis for small group discussions (say, in an Anglican context).
They are both challenging, and trustworthy in my opinion, in what they say. However, they are both especially interesting in what they do not say. Peterson’s ‘Long Obedience’ does have a chapter on ‘Community’; nevertheless, the Church is largely absent from his discussion.
NT Wright refers to the church frequently. However, since I’m also reading through his scholarly ‘Paul and the Faithfulness of God’ where the importance of 2nd temple Jewish perspectives are repeatedly pointed out as necessary for understanding the continuity between the Old Testament and Paul’s letters, it is surprising that Wright does not discuss the Old Testament canon and related issues in the context of scriptural authority.
Elephants in the room.