The Loyola Kids Book of Saints by Amy Welborn has
biographies of the following Saints and Blessed.
I sort by the date of their going to be with God.
polycarp 155
perpetua 203
felicity 203
christopher 250
george 303
blaise 316
helena 330
nicholas 350
monica 387
ambrose 397
jerome 420
augustine of hippo 430
simeon stylites 459
leo the great 461
patrick 461
benedict 547
gregory the great 604
boniface 754
cyril 869
methodius 885
wenceslaus 929
bernard of montjoux 1081
thomas becket 1170
hildegard of bingen 1179
dominic de guzman 1221
francis of assisi 1226
elizabeth of hungary 1231
anthony of padua 1231
thomas aquinas 1274
celestine v 1296
catherine of siena 1380
joan of arc 1431
frances of rome 1440
fra angelico 1455
thomas more 1535
juan diego 1548
francis xavier 1552
ignatius of loyola 1556
teresa of avila 1582
margaret clitherow 1586
john of the cross 1591
paul miki and companions 1597
francis solano 1610
camillus de lellis 1614
martin de porres 1639
isaaac jogues 1646
peter claver 1654
vincent de paul 1660
kateri tekakwitha 1680
louis de monfort 1716
carmelites of compiegne 1794
elizabeth ann seton 1821
frederic ozanam 1853
john neumann 1860
bernadette soubirous 1879
john bosco 1888
joseph de veuster 1889
therese of lisieux 1897
francis xavier cabrini 1917
miguel pro 1927
maximilian kolbe 1941
titus brandsma 1942
edith stein 1942
peter to rot 1945
katherine drexel 1955
gianna beretta molla 1962
maria nengapeta 1964
padre pio 1968
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