My catechism class, while using standard curriculum, aims to listen to and help each student and will focus on three main questions.
Who is God?
- Creator
- Father
- Incarnate ‘I Am’
What is the Church?
- Body of Christ
- Catholic
- Bride of Christ
How to be a Disciple?
- Faithful
- Patient
- Kind
The curriculum we’ll be using is ‘The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers”, the first three parts.
Schedule: 2019/2020
- 9/08 Introduction - Bible, Liturgy of the Hours, Catechism
- 9/15 - 1. Revelation, Scripture, and Tradition
- 9/22 - 2. God the Father
- 9/29 - 3. The Holy Trinity
- 10/06 - 4. Creation
- 10/13 Genesis, chapter 1
- 10/27 - 5. The Human Person
- 11/03 - 6. God’s Plan for Salvation
- 11/10 - 7. Faith: Responding to God
- 11/17 - 8. The Gospels
- 11/24 Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5
- 12/08 Gospel of John, chapter 1
- 12/15 - 9. Jesus Christ, True God and True Man
- 1/05 - 10. The Birth of Jesus
- 1/12 - 11. Jesus Teaches
- 1/26 - 12. Jesus Heals
- 2/02 - 13. The Death of Jesus
- 2/09 - 14. The Resurrection of Jesus
- 2/23 - 15. The Holy Spirit
- 3/01 Corinthians, chapter 13
- 3/08 - 16. Grace and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- 3/15 - 17. Pentecost and the Early Church
- 4/05 - 18. The Mission of the Church
- 4/19 - 19. The Structure of the Church
- 4/26 - 20. End Things: Heaven and Hell
- 5/03 - 21. Saints and Mary
There will also be an emphasis on the Psalms throughout the class year.