Catechism Class

My catechism class, while using standard curriculum, aims to listen to and help each student and will focus on three main questions.

Who is God?

  1. Creator
  2. Father
  3. Incarnate ‘I Am’

What is the Church?

  1. Body of Christ
  2. Catholic
  3. Bride of Christ

How to be a Disciple?

  1. Faithful
  2. Patient
  3. Kind

The curriculum we’ll be using is ‘The Catholic Connections Handbook for Middle Schoolers”, the first three parts.

Schedule: 2019/2020

  • 9/08 Introduction - Bible, Liturgy of the Hours, Catechism
  • 9/15 - 1. Revelation, Scripture, and Tradition
  • 9/22 - 2. God the Father
  • 9/29 - 3. The Holy Trinity
  • 10/06 - 4. Creation
  • 10/13 Genesis, chapter 1
  • 10/27 - 5. The Human Person
  • 11/03 - 6. God’s Plan for Salvation
  • 11/10 - 7. Faith: Responding to God
  • 11/17 - 8. The Gospels
  • 11/24 Gospel of Matthew, chapter 5
  • 12/08 Gospel of John, chapter 1
  • 12/15 - 9. Jesus Christ, True God and True Man
  • 1/05 - 10. The Birth of Jesus
  • 1/12 - 11. Jesus Teaches
  • 1/26 - 12. Jesus Heals
  • 2/02 - 13. The Death of Jesus
  • 2/09 - 14. The Resurrection of Jesus
  • 2/23 - 15. The Holy Spirit
  • 3/01 Corinthians, chapter 13
  • 3/08 - 16. Grace and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • 3/15 - 17. Pentecost and the Early Church
  • 4/05 - 18. The Mission of the Church
  • 4/19 - 19. The Structure of the Church
  • 4/26 - 20. End Things: Heaven and Hell
  • 5/03 - 21. Saints and Mary

There will also be an emphasis on the Psalms throughout the class year.

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