The Hundredfold

In the introduction to his poem The Hundredfold, Anthony Esolen writes:

I am a battered old soldier on bad knees, who knows that the hill must be charged and who knows of one or two ways it might be done. He takes up the torn standard of the cross and hobbles up the first reaches of that height, crying out instructions that he himself has not the strength to fulfill, teaching more by audacity and exposure than by success, willing to look like a fool, to be shot down in the first volleys, but knowing that unless he or someone like him does this, the hill will remain always in the fist of the enemy.

Here’s a review of Dr. Esolen’s poem, by Beth Impson.

I’ve been waiting for this poem/book for a while. Whenever I read Tony’s essays I wonder “He’s advocating for something, but when will he write it rather than write about it?”. Now I don’t have to wait.

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