20211217 Journal

My favorite Bob Dylan gospel album is the 1997 ‘Time Out of Mind’.

Looking toward Christmas, our celebration of our Lord’s incarnation (Have this mind among yourselves, which was in Christ Jesus, 6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. - Philippians 2:5-7), here’s a honky-tonk gospel Christmas carol:

Gon’ walk down that dirt road, ’til someone lets me ride

Gon’ walk down that dirt road, ’til someone lets me ride

If I can’t find my baby, I’m gonna run away and hide

I been pacing around the room hoping maybe she’d come back

Pacing ’round the room hoping maybe she’d come back

Well, I been praying for salvation laying ’round in a one-room country shack

Gon’ walk down that dirt road until my eyes begin to bleed

Gon’ walk down that dirt road until my eyes begin to bleed

’Til there’s nothing left to see, ’til the chains have been shattered and I’ve been freed

I been lookin’ at my shadow, I been watching the colors up above

Lookin’ at my shadow, watching the colors up above

Rolling through the rain and hail, looking for the sunny side of love

Gon’ walk on down that dirt road ’til I’m right beside the sun

Gon’ walk on down until I’m right beside the sun

I’m gonna have to put up a barrier to keep myself away from everyone

Dirt Road Blues, Bob Dylan 1997

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