The end of the year being a time to reflect

My booklist reflects my roots and current interests.
- Bible, unabridged Revised Standard Version
- The Liturgy of the Hours
- Greek New Testament; Readers ed.
- Vergil’s Aeneid; Sarah Ruden translation
- Homilies on John; St John Chrysostom
- The Confessions; by Saint Augustine
- The City of God; by Saint Augustine
- Summa Theologica; St Thomas Aquinas
- Dante’s Divine Comedy; Anthony Esolen
- The Christian East; Aristeides Papadakis
- Compendium to the Catholic Catechism
- Sonnets & Plays; William Shakespeare
- Complete English Poems; John Donne
- Complete English Works; George Herbert
- Collected Poetry & Prose; Robert Frost
- Mathematics and Its History; Stillwell
- Letters & Speeches; Theodore Roosevelt
- The Solzhenitsyn Reader: 1947-2005