Interview with Budziszewski

Here’s a bit from an interesting interview [having some Anglican connections] with J. Budziszewski:

. . .
It’s a bit more than simply a linguistic difference, isn’t it? There’s a cultural difference behind that use of different terms. Catholics are more inclined to take what one might call a Hippocratic approach to evangelization; the principle is: “First, do no harm.”

Budziszewski: Yes, but “First, do no harm” might seem to Protestants to be a euphemism for doing nothing. What we’ve found is that although Catholics “do something” about evangelization, what they do is different.

For instance, a Catholic is more likely to think: “If only I can get my friend into church, then he may be willing to talk about the Gospel, because the liturgy itself is such a teacher.” Whereas an Evangelical is more likely to think: “If only I can talk with my friend about the Gospel, then he may be willing to come to church.” . . .

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