Commitment, Continuity, and Conversation

The particular spirituality of the Appalachian Riders For Our Lady is based on our three foundational principles of commitment, continuity and conversation in addition to the general Catholic evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, obedience and stability adapted to a lay context. The Riders strive to promote a conversational culture, proclaiming Christ crucified, orthodox and Catholic, in the midst of a world largely lacking culture of any sort.  Our vows of commitment, continuity, and conversation do not necessarily mean that we have any natural inclination or talent in these areas. I’m a member of St George Melkite Greek Catholic parish in Sacramento. My booklist, which is in a way deep in history (each Rider, during their novitiate, settles on 24 books of primary importance), is:

  • Bible, unabridged Revised Standard Version
  • Horologion & Pentacostarion; Melkite liturgy
  • Songs for Pascha; St Ephrem the Syrian
  • The Confessions; Saint Augustine
  • Writings; St Gregory the Theologian
  • Dante’s Divine Comedy; Anthony Esolen
  • Comedies and Tragedies; Shakespeare
  • Complete English Poems; John Donne
  • Homer’s Odyssey; Alexander Pope et al
  • 19th Century American Poetry, vol 2
  • Complete Poetry & Prose; Robert Frost
  • The Translations of Seamus Heaney
  • Three American Novels; Henry James
  • Moby Dick; novel by Hermann Melville
  • Edmund Campion; Richard Simpson
  • De Gaulle; biography by Julian Jackson
  • Republic for Which It Stands; R. White
  • Memory and Identity; Pope John Paul II
  • Deification & the Cross; Khaled Anatolios
  • Entering the Twofold Mystery; Erik Varden
  • Unconformed to the Age; Tracey Rowland
  • Faith in a Hard Ground; Elizabeth Anscombe
  • For the Life of the World; A. Schmemann
  • The Liturgy of the Hours; unabridged

The Appalachian Riders For Our Lady have a particular interest in the season of Ascensiontide, which we consider nearly as important as Advent and Lent.  My particular interest is: That ecclesial bodies with very different Ecclesiology seem to have similar Christology. 

Christian Perspectives

The foundation of everything is Christ Jesus, and him crucified. However, beyond the personal aspects of that (reading, listening, prayer), what are the implications for our social relationships?

I want to commend the Catholic perspective to you. Of course, that raises several questions:

  • Is it reasonable to speak of THE Catholic perspective?
  • Is my characterization of this perspective warranted?
  • Can one also speak of THE Protestant perspective, especially given the range of protestant ecclesial bodies?

I propose that the protestant perspective is that the Christian life is best lived and considered from the primary viewpoint of the individual or, at most, the congregation. On the other hand, I commend the Catholic perspective: the Christian life is best lived and considered from the primary viewpoint of the universal Church, the Bride of Christ, extended in spacetime and militantly subsisting in the Catholic Church whose chief steward is the bishop of Rome (for better or worse). Besides addressing those preliminary questions, I intend to commend the Catholic perspective in three aspects:

  • better able to cope with adversity
  • more resources for spiritual formation
  • closer alignment with the scriptural canon

All these points are controversial; however, I intend not to argue for them but rather to chew on them.  The difference between a primarily individual perspective and a primarily ecclesial perspective also has a significant political component since the State desires no competitor to its hegemony (see, for example, Alan Jacobs biography of The Book of Common Prayer which documents how this worked out in England) and hence is inclined to favor an individual perspective which it can divide and conquer.

I’m also assuming that the more alive an entity, the more applicable the principle that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. In addition, whenever possible I’d like to phrase matters sociologically. A major advantage of a perspective more social than individual is that one can “check one’s answers”- the boredom of, for example, discussion about end-time scenarios or sectarian doctrine being that one can not check one’s theory in one’s day to day life and interactions with others as one can, on the other hand, regarding ethics and how to live in community. Somewhat related to this, I prefer to get my history indirectly, via literature.

On a personal level, I think the core of the Protestant error centers on the attempt to place faith above love (see Luther’s commentary on Galatians) contra Saint Paul and the Catholic tradition. For a concise but precise consideration of this, see Paul Hacker’s essay ‘Faith in Luther.’

The noted Evangelical scholar Mark Noll, in the book ‘Is the Reformation Over’, argues that Catholic and Protestant disagreements really come down to different understandings of the nature of the Church.  I don’t disagree; however, I very much disagree with the view that “well, maybe so but that’s not important to’s my personal relationship with God that is important.”  The nature of the Church is essentially intertwined with the work of the Holy Spirit, as is reflected in the Nicene creed.  God is able to sustain what was initially established (..I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it) and it is wrong-headed to try to start over on one’s own.

Technology is very important and clearly the most important technology is language. The people who know the most about language are not the philosophers but the poets, broadly defined.

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” (Richard Feynman)

“The Catholic Church is the Church we mean when we say The church.” (Lenny Bruce)

“If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is.” (John von Neumann)

“Don’t get involved in partial problems, but always take flight to where there is a free view over the whole single great problem, even if this view is still not a clear one.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” (William Faulkner)

“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)can see it.’ “I want to learn more about Christianity, what seven books would you recommend?”

The reading program of the Appalachian Riders for Our Lady is based on three fundamental principles:

  • I’m ignorant and have much to learn.
  • Reading one book helps in reading and enjoying another book.
  • The cross-fertilization will occur naturally, no need to push it.

We all have Bibles and the Liturgy of the Hours in our individual booklists. Other than that, there is a good bit of variety.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

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3 Responses to Commitment, Continuity, and Conversation

  1. Pingback: The Information Technology Milieu | Maude's Tavern

  2. Pingback: How We Do Theology | Maude's Tavern

  3. Pingback: My Book Cube | Maude's Tavern

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