Exodus, Wisdom, John

“Both John and Wisdom mention the miracles of the Exodus as a model for the signs operated by wisdom (in Wis) and by Jesus (in John). Both John and Wisdom present these signs in the same order, which is not that of Exodus.

John 2:1-11, the marriage at Cana, recalls the first antithesis of Wis 11:4-44, underlining the theme of thirst. John 4:43-54 and 5:1-9a are centered on the theme of healing which appears in the third diptych of Wis 16:4-14. The diptych of the manna (Wis 16:15-28) finds its correspondence in John 6 (the bread of life). Finally, the diptych of the darkness (Wis 17:1-18:4) can be set in relation to John 9 (the man born blind) while John 11, the resurrection of Lazarus, corresponds to Wis 18:5-25, the death of the firstborn and the saving of the Israelites.

To conclude, in John as in Wisdom, the historical facts become symbolic, signs, that is, of spiritual and eschatological realities. Thus the darkness of the Egyptians in Wisdom 17:1-18:4 is the sign of the darkness of Hades which will strike the ungodly (Wisdom 17:21). In its turn, the cure of the man born blind is the sign of the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees. The light which illuminates the world (Wis 17:20) is the light of the law (18:4), just as Jesus himself is the light of the world (John 8:12; 9:39).”

from the commentary “Wisdom” by Luca Mazzinghi, page 41

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