Exodus Themes 01

In the first few verses of Exodus there is a shift in perspective, from the tribal (the 71 offspring of Jacob, v 1.5) to the people, the Israelites (v 1.7 and cf Genesis 32.29) filling the land of Egypt. This is a massive shift. Stop and think about it. [1 Peter 2:10 Once you were no people but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy but now you have received mercy.]

Egypt was the most advanced civilization in the world at that time (roughly 1500-1200BC). Nevertheless, the Israelites became so numerous that Egypt oppressed them more and more, enslaving them and imposing genocidal policies to kill the male Israelite infants. An Israelite, of the tribe of Levi, bore a son Moses and tricked Pharoah’s daughter into adopting him. This historical event, in its various aspects, has been the basis of much reflection over the years. Let’s talk about that and also consider that Moses grew up with access to all the knowledge of the Egyptians while retaining some connection to his people, Israel. [side note: Egypt not ‘all bad’, after all the Holy Family went there to get away from Herod’s tyranny in Israel]

The account of Moses’ killing an Egyptian, being mocked by Israelites and then fleeing to Midian (v 2.11-23) is referenced in the New Testament in Acts 7.23-29,35 and Hebrews 11.24-28.

Exodus chapter three, with its account of the burning bush and the revealing of the divine name, bears reading, and rereading, aloud.


4th/5th grade Sunday School, fall semester focus: getting out of Egypt

First 20 minutes:
Sunday’s Gospel for Children: https://antiochian.org/regulararticle/809
music: https://stgeorgemelkite.org/resources/our-music/
Last 10 minutes:
Exodus (see above)/bible study

Oct 1st, 2023

Gospel section:
Hebrews 9:1-7
Luke 6:21-36
October 1, 2023: Second Sunday of Luke
Luke 6:31-36: handouts (PDF) | audio younger (MP3) | audio older (MP3)

Exodus section:
chapter 1 (esp 1:1-7) and background
homework: chapter 2

Music: Troparian & first part of OT books song

October 8, 2023: Third Sunday of Luke
Luke 7:11-16: handouts (PDF) | audio younger (MP3) | audio older (MP3)

9 But you are za chosen race, aa royal bpriesthood, ca holy nation, da people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you eout of darkness into fhis marvelous light. 10 gOnce you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (ESV 1 Peter 2:9-10)

Resurrectional Troparia

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